How Food May Help You Overcome Infertility


In today’s post, I will go a little deeper into my background with you, with the hope that it moves you.

There was a time in my life that was filled with much heart-ache, and frustration – and I pretty much kept it all a secret. I had to let this secret out because I believe our experiences are meant to be shared with others. (Hence, my blogging).

Today, I am openly sharing with you some of my personal story of how I overcame infertility.

I didn’t volunteer this part of my history for many years, but now I offer it with the hope that it inspires others to realize that they have options, after they are diagnosed with infertility.

I can now say that my diagnosis of infertility, was one of the biggest blessings of my life.

It changed my life.

It brought the healthy, natural, pharmaceutical-free lifestyle that my family and I enjoy today.

I wasn’t always this healthy, although I thought I was, and I looked like I was!

About 15 years ago, I enjoyed biking, hiking, martial arts, swimming, the gym, yoga, and long walks. I believed I had a healthy diet that consisted of lean meat, and vegetables. I also included many “supplements” and protein shakes as part of my “healthy” daily regimen.

I looked great on the outside, and that was the reward that came with that lifestyle. It was all external.

Inside however, on all levels – physically, emotionally and spiritually – lets just say…I was not so great.

I had a rude awakening when my husband and I chose to have children.

After trying for to conceive for 3 years, my renowned fertility specialist simply said I was infertile. He added that there was no “medical reason” to explain why, and it was time for us to explore other options.


We were devastated, and confused. I had plenty of eggs, my husband had “super sperm”, I did everything I was told to, took whatever I had to take, and no one could explain to me why I couldn’t have children.

Although I didn’t know it at the time, there was a powerful silver lining present. My fertility challenge carved out the path for my life. It began my life’s journey.

It was our gateway to a healthy, vibrant, wholistically balanced life and family.

There are many ways that this major hurdle served my family. I explored, researched, learned and experienced so much, that I had to write a book about it. I felt it was time to no longer be ashamed and keep it a secret. It was important to share my experience with the world, and support other couples that were faced with the same challenges.

If you would like to hear more details about what I discovered in the last 10 years, and how it changed my life, you can always check out my award winning book, “Love Centered Parenting” here

But for today, I would like to focus on how changing our diet, completely changed our life.

This was our very first of many steps. It was the most important step.

My husband and I cleansed our bodies of what we discovered to be “toxic”. This took a few months, and then we began our oganic, Non-GMO diet for about a year.

And before you know it, we conceived our son. Not only did we conceive naturally…I didn’t miscarry, and I had an awesome pregnancy. Never one day of nausea, or any complication while I carried my child. It was actually one of the most extraordinary moments of my life.


When we were ready to have our second, my daughter was conceived almost immediately. My body and my health were back!

Fast forward a decade, and we enjoy a pretty healthy life together. My children hardly have any sick days, and when they do get sick, it is very mild.

This is the miracle of food. Once we understand how food can heal, and also cause disease, we can take control of our health. There is no limit to what we can do.

My experience revealed, that real, whole, organic, non-GMO food can truly rid your body of disease, and create a balanced healthy lifestyle.

The wise Hippocrates to which we owe our knowledge of medicine to, once said:

“Let Food Be Your Medicine, Medicine Be Your Food ”

Modern science has helped us understand how unhealthy, processed food can cause disease like cancer, obesity, diabetes, parkinsons, infertility, and possibly even autism, among other debilitating illnesses. For more information and medical studies, you can check out my “Supportive Articles” section.

We also understand how clean, healthy whole food can heal all of that, as well as create a balanced, healthy and vibrant lifestyle. In addition to my story, I personally know of many people that have reversed their chronic illnesses just by changing their diet alone.

But first it is important to become familiar with what we are buying. Labels like USDA organic make conscious shopping a little easier. Phew!

But GMO foods are not yet labeled, and that requires a bit more self-study to understand what to buy, or not to buy. In my “Supportive Articles” section I included a Non-GMO Shopping Guide – feel free to print it out!

If we want to have our food labeled so that we can make an informed choice about what to purchase, it is important to contact our representatives today.


We all enjoy the organic label. And now we can have a Non-GMO label mandated by law.

Throughout our country, over 20 states have introduced a bill to label our foods as Non-GMO (when they are not genetically modified). In New York, there will be a vote within the next few weeks on bill A.617, about whether or not to label what is in our food.

If you would like to not carry a magnifying glass to read the ingredients in the back of your box, then ask your Assembly rep to simply pass the bill, and make labeling a law. It will save time in the market, and guarantee that you make an informed choice about what you will put in your body, and your family’s body.

Health is a choice.

I choose healthy every single moment, of every single day – and it all began 15 years ago when I was told I couldn’t have children. By choosing health, I had my children.

Choices lead to an action, which then reward you with a result. And we all want to a enjoy a healthy, long, happy life with our families. It is our fundamental right.

Sit with this for a minute, and then ask yourself what 3 actions can you take today, to make sure your family experiences a healthy, abundant life?

I would love to hear them, and be inspired by you as well!

Feel free to connect with me if you would like any support in taking action today.

Healthy food, healthy children, and overcoming infertility are topics that are very “close to home” for me, and it would be my pleasure to support you with making a difference for yourself.

I hope that my story has inspired you to believe that a healthy life, and conceiving children are possible – and there is always a silver lining that comes with every challenge.

May you find yours, and continue on your journey with much health and vitality.

Love always,



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