
Victoria Tran

Before working with Maria, I was overworked and tired! During our time together I was able to position myself as the Founder + CEO of my company while I handed off more of the day-to-day tasks to my team. Overall, I greatly improved my work-life balance while creating an awesome team and company culture while making more money!

Victoria Tran
CEO of Sorted Nola
Whitney Runyon

Whitney Runyon

Working with Maria has been an absolute game-changer for my business. Her exceptional advice on handling tough client situations has been invaluable, providing me with the confidence and strategies needed to navigate challenges with ease. Maria's practical steps for growth were tailored to my specific needs, offering clear and actionable guidance that made a tangible difference. Her unwavering encouragement kept me motivated and inspired, even during the most demanding times. Meeting with Maria weekly was instrumental in keeping me accountable and focused on my goals. Her support and expertise have truly transformed my approach to business. I couldn't have asked for a better coach! Thank you, Maria, for your incredible guidance and support.

Whitney Runyon

Kimberly Lucht

Maria is, hands down, one of the best intuitive business coaches around. Her energy and insight is unparalleled and I look to her for guidance frequently. If you want to grow your business, have a life, and feel good all the time, hire her!

Kimberly Lucht
Life & Business Coach for Women
Sarah Welch

Sarah Welch

I found Maria when I was going through a time of significant personal change and realized that my business needed to change, too. I had been working with authors exclusively one-on-one for years, but many of the individuals I worked with were looking for community, and I was looking for a way to spend my limited time serving larger groups. Maria helped me zero in on my target audience for my new offering — a membership-based writing community — and launch my first workshop and subsequent events in a way that felt authentic to my work and leadership style and helped me achieve my initial goals. She was thoughtful and empathetic throughout our time working together, and I truly looked forward to every conversation, as well as the energy and motivation I knew would come from it. I appreciate Maria for supporting and guiding me through this business transition, and I would absolutely recommend her to other ladies who are juggling entrepreneurship and life.

Sarah Welch
Editor, Writing Coach - Inkdrop Lit
Raquel Rodriguez

Raquel Rodriguez

Maria's outlook on life and business is remarkable. Not only does she guide you, and hold you accountable, but she lives what she preaches! She is an amazing woman who judges no one, and gives all of herself. I never thought of hiring a coach. I'm a DIY'er. I can figure out any problem and act on it. But what you can't see as a problem, is in part a problem. You develop patterns, habits, and limiting beliefs through the course of your life. And you need someone to call you out on it or at least bring it to light so that you then have a choice on whether you want to continue or change. Maria has been my one and only life and business coach. She continues to teach me, guide me, and challenge me. I highly recommend her to everyone! You don't even realize you need Maria in your life - there isn't many people I can say that about.

Raquel Rodriguez
Co-Owner of DNR Remodeling
Joni Sellers

Joni Sellers

Maria helped me to launch a new career after transitioning to an entirely different profession. She gently guided me through my mental roadblocks and always gave me an action plan between sessions. I highly recommend using Maria if you are looking for a business coach with a heart of gold!

Joni Sellers
Real Estate Agent

Lucy S, MPH

"I was frustrated, easily angered, creatively blocked, and most importantly I felt like I was spiritually living hand to mouth. Since then I've dramatically opened up opportunities everywhere in my life. She is full of magic!"

Lucy S, MPH

Cheryl Anderson

"Maria is so inspiring she lifts everyone up around her! Love her and everything she represents!"

Cheryl Anderson

Meghan Savage

"I was in a rut and kept hitting a wall. She challenged me with ease, and now I am overall joyful, confident, I communicate more clearly and my relationships are more pleasant. She is truly a blessing coming in anyone's life"

Meghan Savage
Teen Empowerment Coach

Lorraine Miller

Maria Gavriel is a truly gifted coach. She has a unique ability to get to the heart of whatever is needed to help you unleash your full potential. Her coaching style is nurturing, yet empowering. She coaches you to create action steps from day 1 and helps you clear away anything standing in your way. I can't say enough about Maria. I am so grateful to have her as my coach.


Debra Betesh

I've experienced Maria's speaking and leadership abilities in making a difference in our communities. Her commitment to create a better world is inspirational.

Debra Betesh

Maria Tsismentzoglou

Maria has the rare ability to listen with respect and without judgement, yet honestly give her opinion and guidance in a positive supportive way. She is in your corner and cheering you on. She is a powerhouse!

Maria Tsismentzoglou
Laura Mongello

Laura Mongello

Maria is an inspiring, engaging, and an empowering individual. She makes me feel authentically supported. She helps provide unique tools to see all the possibilities within life.

Laura Mongello

Olga Christodoulou

Her intuitive, heart-centered, very honest approach always challenges me to stretch my capacity, to go deeper and play bigger on my current life games. She has a gift of really seeing people.  She has a way to get me to see the root of any issue and infuse it with light and willful action. She's been an alley in creating big breakthroughs in my life and truly manifesting the Love, Community and financial stability I dream of.

Olga Christodoulou


I honestly can't find the words to describe how helpful it is to work with Maria. She is very gifted at holding space for me, because she gives me complete permission to be myself. And because she's so good at holding space, it provides the perfect vehicle for my innate wisdom to come out. I can't tell you the number of times I've been frustrated and confused one minute, then the next minute I'm on the phone with her and I immediately feel realigned with my purpose. Her presence alone, with its wise and loving heart, brings forth my own wisdom.



I love your positivity, and the help and guidance you have provided. It almost feels a little unreal and magical sometimes when we are discussing things...I love it.



Maria has a natural instinct to say the right words at the right time and is very intuitive to my response, both verbal and non-verbal. She allows me to grow in my own way while accelerating that growth with exercises, different healing modalities and effective communication.



I’ve increased my workshop attendance by 300%! In just the short time I’ve been working with her, I’ve seen change in my relationship with my husband which has been one of the emotional blocks to my business success.



You will touch and impact so many people, as you have done to me. You have changed my life in a positive way. God Bless you.

Jane ~ Kenya, Africa
Kim B

Kim B.

Each phone session has been revealing, nurturing, educational and transforming for me. I continue to build a life which I could only dream of doing before Maria's clear, loving and nurturing guidance. I no longer fear or criticize my emotional difficulties. I am so grateful we met, and offer thanks and gratitude for this amazing teacher!

Kim B.
Kim C

Kim C.

The tools and modalities I have learned from Maria have allowed me to implement her strategies in “real time” as obstacles arise, taking my healing and growth to the next level. I wish everyone in this world the opportunity to work with her and to be touched by her grace.

Kim C.

Christine F.

Before working with Maria, I had this feeling like it’s not what I want to do. It’s not feeling right with me anymore. I want to make something that’s from me. And there was an incident last fall where I felt like I lost my whole support system. My biggest hesitation was not knowing exactly what I wanted. I didn’t have anything concrete. But I decided to do it anyway. Every conversation I was on a high, and slowly things really did fall into place. I started to see changes in me, and now I feel no hesitation at all because I finally got the ball rolling. And I actually have the ability to now finally take everything I learned in my toolkit and actually come back inside myself and see where the power is within me. Stop looking at other people. What do I have to offer? I feel like all these pieces are coming together and she is the catalyst in making things happen. She’s key in having me follow my dreams and my soul’s purpose. This is what feeds my soul. And this wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been talking to Maria every week. For once, I am really and truly excited to see where it’s going next. My biggest insight was tapping into myself, tapping into the relationship with God and the divine and really seeking divine guidance with stuff. We tend to go outside our body and we forget that we are so fully supported by the heavens and that constant connection that we can make. I love Maria so much, she really makes you see how much to really honor yourself and where I’m at at this point in time. She’s one in a million. Maria is basically an angel by my side saying, so what’s next? What else? That constant little push and of course her amazing guidance too. To anyone thinking about working with Maria, I want you to know this is an investment in yourself. Jump in, the time is now. Because otherwise years, months will pass and why wait, why put yourself on the back burner for that much longer? You’re not going to walk away with any losses, and you’re going to gain much more insight. For me, I just jumped in and did it, and so far this has been life changing.

Christine F.

Zayna Abdul-Wahhab

If you are on-the-fence about hiring a career / life coach please take the plunge, it will be one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Before working with Maria I was wracked with guilt and anxiety about where I was in my life when it came to love and career. Maria’s coaching plan, hands-on practical guidance and spiritual work has helped me to uncover where a lot of my anxiety was coming from. Her coaching plan and practical guidance helped me to do the work I needed (and stay on track) so that I could work my personal path to success. Everyone’s journey is different and Maria had the innate capability to meet me where I was and help me to blossom. Her guidance helped me to stay the course no matter how hard I wanted to give up and she worked with me on such a deep spiritual level; which honestly I didn’t think was possible until I worked with Maria. I absolutely recommend Maria’s life / career coaching. It is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. Maria is a true gem and an amazing force in my life. I am forever grateful for her and the gifts she had helped me to uncover for myself.

Zayna Abdul-Wahhab
Licensed Real Estate Professional & Leasing Manager

David Machson

This year I met one of my goals. I hired a life coach that would help push me to the next level. As a sports coach/mentor and entrepreneur I know how significant it is to have people on your team to help you reach full potential. It’s important to have a coach you trust, someone that sees your potential, someone that can sniff out what’s holding you back and most importantly someone that has a tool box of skills to share. Reaching full potential in any endeavor is always exciting. The best way to get there is having a personal coach. Hiring Maria was an amazing decision. Not only have I been navigating through the Pandemic Era with grace, as I write this review I can truly say that her intuition together with her resiliency tool box has helped me succeed. This year I have had a true rotation of consciousness. I have a greater capacity to face challenges and I move through obstacles with ease. Thank you Coach Maria your guidance has helped me be a master of the game. My clients, business associates and family indirectly thank you! The student was ready and Coach Maria Appeared ...corny but true

David Machson

Dr. Ruby Baja

Maria is truly a heart based leader and business coach. She has a keen sensibility for intuitive observation and analysis that allows her to support you to recognize and interpret your vision, and then easily translate it into focused & measurable outcomes of direct success. In other words. she helps you get your wins not only in your business, but in your life! That is so worth it!

Dr. Ruby Baja
Doctor of Physical Therapy, Million Dollar MomBawse, TMDoctor of Physical Therapy

Irene Tsismentzoglou

Maria has an innate ability to guide people towards achieving their highest potential. She turns fears into hopes and doubts into motivation. Truly an inspiration.

Irene Tsismentzoglou
Mom and Entrepreneur

Manolis P.

From Maria's “The 6 Figure BluePrint” Training I was able to clarify my business goals and micro goals for the next year and the steps and strategy that will ensure I reach them.

Manolis P.
Business Owner

Maureen McTavey

Maria has been an inspiration in my life. She's changed everything in my business world for the better. My business has grown exponentially since she has become my business coach and I would not be where I am today without Maria. She is simply the best at what she does. She is there for you for every aspect of your business, no matter how big or small - she has the answer. She will get you through mental blocks and hurdles that you didn’t even realize were there. I would highly recommend Maria as she is highly competent and efficient in everything she does. I would hire her over and over again without a doubt.

Maureen McTavey

Monica, UK

In just a few hours, Maria has helped me by bringing more clarity to situations I’ve been dealing with for too long. Her positivity, and methods in approaching our dream life as a whole is a true blessing. Thank you Maria

Monica, UK
Tiffany E

Tiffany E.

Wow- Maria is really powerful. She knows how to guide you to make specific what it is you want to do, to what is your deeper purpose. Then she helps you create an actionable plan to get there. What she’s done for me is really revolutionary. If you’re ready to go from your desires to full on motion towards concrete goals, I highly recommend working with her.

Tiffany E.
Debbie Viola

Debbie Viola

I'm so GRATEFUL I met Maria and had a strategy session with her. All of her ideas have been VERY thought-provoking and helpful in allowing myself to think bigger. I keep forgetting that I'm not on a farm in the middle of nowhere; Long Island is one the most abundant locations in the nation, and I need to tap into that. She put me on a path to grow my local and online art classes, by changing my mindset to realize I have the power to create an abundant, life-changing business that will in turn allow me to help others gain confidence and find comfort through art, as well as help charities that are near and dear to my heart.

Debbie Viola

Amie S.

If you’re on the fence, I say give it a shot. Especially to give yourself the gift of investing in you because you’re worth it. She’ll help you find that thing you’re looking for. She has a way of sensing what it is you need and helping you sense what you need.

Amie S.
Actor & Producer

Elizabeth C.

It feels incredible. It feels amazing. It feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. It’s like a freedom. You feel free, you feel free to move forward. I feel like I am making a difference in the world. It has helped me to really become empowered, to help myself, my family, and the world all at the same time.

Elizabeth C.
Childbirth Educator & Birth Doula

work with me

Lets do this thing... ↓

I have helped 100’s of female entrepreneurs achieve success without all the sacrifices and the overwhelm.

I would honestly love to work with you!

“I was overworked and tired! Overall, I greatly improved my work-life balance while creating an awesome team and company culture while making more money!”

- Victoria Tran, CEO of Sorted Nola

Click on the links below to read more about my services and what I can do for you.