During the holiday rush it is important to bring in some balance.
1. Grounding
If you’re on a line, in traffic or any hectic moment, imagine a tree. A big redwood tree. Step inside of it. Stay there as long as you need to. (no need to close your eyes, deep breaths or anything else – unless you prefer to of course!)
2. Meditate
Find a moment in your day, when you can simply be still for even a few minutes. You will notice that if you can meditate more than once a week, your holiday will somehow seem longer, and longer. You will be putting the brakes on during the holiday rush.
3. Easy Christmas Lists
Make your list of people you will buy gifts for and save it on word. This way you have it handy every year. You can also include what you are buying for them, in case they really enjoyed it and you can purchase the same gift or a variation of it (like a spa gift certificate to their favorite spot).
4. Warm Family Time
Dedicate at least 15 minutes a day connecting with your family. Even through a phone call on your way home from the mall or work. Say a holiday story over the phone if you won’t make it home before bedtime. Anything works and goes a long way!