7 Powerful Ways to Cultivate Gratitude (and bring you to tears)


I’m truly grateful for the (awesome) reality that you’re on the other side, reading this right now. That we’re connecting through this note on multiple levels is mind blowing, and it fills my heart. I appreciate your presence, your trust, and that we’ve crossed paths.

It’s my hope and intention to touch your life so that you’re moved to answer the deepest calling within your heart, and show up for yourself, and those you love.

Here’s a little insider scoop from my monthly Empowerment Circle on gratitude that’s already having an impact on my group in just a few days!

During the call, I shared a few (of the endless studies) about gratitude, and how it’s proved to dissolve depression, improve immunity, remedy insomnia and much more. We also realized how the long lasting effects of gratitude subside after several months because people don’t seem to maintain a regular habit for it.

As a group we chose to integrate the power of our circle/community to hold each other accountable in maintaining a regular practice – and so we’ve been sharing daily in our group thread, about what we’re grateful for.

In just a matter of a few days, I found myself overwhelmed with appreciation that I became so emotional and actually started one of coaching session in tears. Believe it or not, gratitude pours in out of nowhere for me now, and I’m filled with love throughout my being. It is such a profound and moving experience – you have to try this!

Gratitude is said to have one of the highest vibrations (in megahertz), and I can say that I’m vibing high on this sacred emotion.

And in this moment, I’m moved to share how much your presence means to me in my life every single day. Thank you for being here, for being a part of my life, and for allowing me to be a part of yours.

In return, I’m giving back by sharing a few gratitude tips from my clients during this month’s call – you’ll want to jump in on this!

1 – Stick a post it (or write with eyeliner) on your bathroom mirror starting with “I am grateful for…”, and fill in the blank every time you look at the mirror;

2 – Write a letter to someone that’s made a difference in your life (even if it’s a celebrity – just let them know. This is a big way of giving.);

3 – Make it fun and change it up.
Ex: Create a gratitude chain out of paper and add a “link” to it every time your grateful for something. On New Year’s Eve, read through the year’s gratitude moments.

4 – Practice gratitude as a group;

5 – Journal what your grateful for daily; or use a digital app, if you find journaling getting stale for you after a while;

6 – Give without expecting – as in volunteering. This has shown such a significant improvement to those that feel lost, depressed or resigned, as well as happy people feeling even more fulfilled;

7 – Look into the eyes of someone you love, and let them know one reason why.

And here’s a powerful extra one…

If there’s something you’re desiring, be grateful for it as if it already exists. It will automatically bring it much closer to you than you know.

Before I go, please know that I’m open to us getting to know each other even more, and to learn more about you and what you’re big vision is. Reach out to me anytime – I’m excited and looking forward to connecting in person.

In the meanwhile, take a deep inhale and exhale, and put out the high vibration of gratitude by sharing…what are you most grateful for in this moment?

With deep appreciation, and love,
