Study Shows Direct Evidence Monsanto GMO Crops Are Harmful

Over the weekend, March Against Monsanto (MAM) held their 3rd global protest against genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) with hundreds of thousands who turned out to speak against Monsanto and other bio tech corporations that are using foreign lab-grown agents in...

Pub Med Journal – Peanut allergies and Vaccines

AbstractA comparison was made of the antibody response and subjective reactions to zonally-purified influenza vaccine in aqueous suspension and in peanut oil adjuvant 65-4. Both preparations contained 700 CCA units of A/Aichi/2/68, and 300 CCA units of B/Mass/1/71....

Pig Study Shows Harmful Effects of GMO feed

This is a briefing about the contents of a new, peer-reviewed scientific paper titled: A long-term toxicology study on pigs fed a combined genetically modified (GM) soy and GM corn maize diet, by Dr Judy Carman, Howard Vlieger, Dr Larry Ver Steeg, Veryln Sneller, Dr...