It is a New Year – a clean slate…a whole new beginning.
It is a time for plannining, a time for re-evaluation, and a time to set spiritual goals for ourselves and our family.
As resolutions are made, and goals are set, questions come up like:
Where do we want to go in terms of Peace, Joy, Health, etc.?
Where do we want to be a Year from now?
I have been sitting with these questions for over a week. I have to say that when I sit with an inquiry, sometimes the answers arise instantly, and sometimes they need a little simmering.
I knew I had a vision for the year, but I wanted to tune in and see what I felt in my core. I didn’t want to just cater to my brain, and passions – I wanted to explore what my soul’s desire was.
As a start, on New Year’s Day, my husband and I sat and did our usual ritual, which is to create what I call an Intention Sheet. It basically looks like this:
- What we are grateful for from 2015;
- What we are ready to let go of from 2015;
- What we are creating for 2016;
- Write an affirmation down about 50 times to begin rewiring our brain, so that our vision begins to set in our mind as a reality.
I just have to share that we have been enjoying this practice every NYE for almost 10 years now. It is amazing to look back on previous NYE intention sheets and be awed at how these intentions came to be. It never fails to make my hair stand, and be amazed at this simple, yet powerful process. You may want to give it a try today – its never too late!
In our intention sheet, we always make sure to include creating something that will benefit the greater good of all beings. We do not live this life alone after all – greater deeds of kindness and justice await us every single day, until life’s end.
And ultimately, it doesn’t only serve others, it actually serves you and your children directly. If nothing else, an act of kindness is kindness toward yourself.
So, the next day, one thing led to the other, and before you know it, we were preparing goodie bags filled with food, money, drawings, wool hats and lego creations for the homeless. Every day that I pass by the same faces, I feel like crap, and I always promise myself I will be back on a day when I don’t have to rush anywhere. And so this past weekend, that time finally came. It was inspired by my niece and children that saw a video of a homeless boy being ignored in the freezing cold for almost 2 hours. The kids began drawing rainbow hearts for them, which got me up to go and buy food to prep.
Every time we handed a bag to a homeless person, they were so incredibly touched by the kids’ gesture, and in return so where we. One man’s response really “hit home” – he saw my daughter’s heart drawing, and he looked up and said “it is not about the food or the money. It is about what you and your children just did. It is about not being ignored. To know that I matter, and that you care. That is ALL that matters to me”. Omg, I almost cried, and I could see my daughter’s heart filled to the max!
I cannot begin to tell you what this one simple action ignited for all 4 of us – I will have to save the details for a future blog.
I share this today because, if we want to live in a conscious world, we must practice conscious parenting – which is about raising counscious children. Children that can one day care for each other, and our community in an effective and loving way.
And I talk about Love –
Love is not just sentiment. It is direct action towards others.
And spirituality is not just fluff and new world thinking. It is being intuitive, insightful and astute. It is about fulfilling on a purpose and discovering what that is.
For 2016, I invite you to ask the question:
What is my spiritual quest?
Tune into what your soul truly wants to create this year. We have many goals for each new year, but it is just as important to fulfill on what matters to us deeply.
Being of service to others this weekend has helped me better understand what my spiritual quest is, and to really get a taste of it. If you are not sure what your purpose is, try an act of kindness or service; it will bring you closer to your life’s work. It will bring your children closer to a brighter future, where they see the “not so great side of life”, but know that they can do something about it. It will bring us all closer to a more conscious world.
Today, we have been given the gift of life. To live it in a way we dream of. Start off your year taking one step closer to manifesting that dream by filling an Intention Sheet; visualizing it; trying an act of kindness, or taking any action that speaks to you.
I believe in you, and your fullest potential. The world is waiting for you. Your children are too. And I am excited for what you will bring into this year!
Live up to you dreams and aspirations, and enjoy all that it brings into your life and family.
Wishing you an Amazing 2016, with an abundance of Peace, Love, Health and Happiness.
With all my love and excitement,