Gratitude, Love and Thanksgiving Meditation

Weekly Mediation

There are times when it may be hard to take a good look at what there is to be grateful for – yet those are the Best times to notice what is present in your life. You can do this every day…

Take a moment and look around at your life and that is. Notice your home, your body, do you have at least one loved one? Are you employed? Did you have dinner last night? Although these may seem basic to you at the moment, they were once things that you longed for and hoped to achieve.  

Take this moment to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and feel whatever you are sitting on. Notice that there was a time that this did not exist, and now it does. You caused it.  Acknowledge the achievement…and thank yourself, and the universe for collaborating to make it possible.

Next think of someone you really appreciate, and thank them for being a part of your life;

Go through all that is for you at this time in your life, and simply notice and acknowledge all of it.

Open your eyes, take a deep breath.  Enjoy the new day and all the experience that comes with it!


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