How do you truly honor the “Dads” in your life in just one day?
You simply can’t, but any gesture of gratitude for each one can go a long way. I tend to begin the day by honoring my hubby alongside my kids, but once I’m out of bed…the first person I call, is my dad.
He lives thousands of miles away, and so the best way to celebrate with him is via Skype. I feel that my words are never enough. I wish I could hug him, and express how thankful I am for all that he has given me.
I’ve come to realize that a father shapes our lives – whether the outcome is considered bad or good – who we are today, is a direct result of how our father sculpted us. What we choose to do with his lessons is up to us, our level of awareness, and our tools.
Yes, dad is a major role player – even before we were conceived.
In my book Love Centered Parenting, I mention a father’s important role in the development of a child, and an overall healthy family. He is the key to success in conception, pregnancy, delivery, breastfeeding, and on it goes.
Personally…my dad has always been my confidant – my closest friend, as well as a father that held my hand, and guided me as long as I needed him to.
Thanks to my curiosity and constant questioning of authority; religion; “what is”; and how to make the world better, I often found myself in complicated situations. Some would say I wasn’t “easy” to raise during my rebelious teenage years, but my dad was always proud of me – he always “saw” me.
He understood my spirit, and I was safe with him.
In fact, he championed me and gave me the courage to continue to question and find ways to change “what is” (as challenging as that may have been for him sometimes).
From the time I was born and throughout my teenage years, my dad would lie next to me every night, to check in with me about my day; or how I was feeling; or to simply be together. There was a space at the end of each day for me to vent, release, confess, or to simply be with the person I trusted and loved with all my heart. I always came back to my “center”, and ended my day feeling light and good.
Today, whenever I am challenged as a mom, I always wonder what my dad would do in my situation. He is still my “go to” in many ways, even if I only see him once a year.
And so on Father’s Day, with the kids playing over Skype, I may not be able to share with him how he has made a difference in my every day life. I may not be able to say much at all except “Happy Father’s Day!”, but he can still see me, and hear past my words. I know he can sense how I am feeling, and he is well aware of what he means to me.
I choose not to wait until Father’s Day. I choose to tell him every chance I get. There is no reason to wait another minute (or holiday) when it comes to expressing our gratitude for the men in our lives.
A simple acknowledgment for all that they offer, runs deep for them. I try my best to allow myself to be vulnerable with my dad, and my husband. It is the least I can do to thank them for sharing this journey with me, and for making it what it is.
So how do you honor the dad’s in your life?
A small act of appreciation will go along way. And if all the holiday hype doesn’t make it happen on Father’s Day, well…there’s always the next day – or maybe even during the evening snuggles.
Here’s a tweetable quote that really speaks to me:
“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone has ever given another person, he believed in me.” Click on the quote and tweet it out if you resonate with it!
With love and appreciation for dads everywhere,
Maria ♥
P.S. If you would like to join forces with your hubby, or share resources with friends and family, you can pick up a copy of Love Centered Parenting for 40% off – in honor of Father’s Day. Get your copy here