4 Steps to a Simple Holiday

During the holiday rush it is important to bring in some balance. 1.  Grounding      If you’re on a line, in traffic or any hectic moment, imagine a tree.  A big redwood tree. Step inside of it. Stay there as long as you need to....
Meditating with Children

Meditating with Children

Is it really possible to meditate with a 4 year old? The truth is, I love my private, quiet time during my meditation practice and I never really had any interest in having my children participate with me. I could just picture my daughter crawling all over me, while I...
Starting Your Day With Brand New Opportunities

Starting Your Day With Brand New Opportunities

Today I am putting myself out there. I feel the need for authenticity, and so here goes! I’ve been off center, irritable, and simply not myself these last few weeks. So yesterday morning, I went for a run to release some of my discomfort. At the end of my run, I...